A skin rejuvenation treatment involving the injection of hyaluronic acid (cross linked and non cross linked available) into the skin. Skin boosters improve hydration, texture, elasticity and quality of the skin.
Treatment Areas
- Face
- Neck
- Hands
- Decolette
- Peri-oral upper and lower lip lines
- Avoid blood thinning over the counter medications such as Aspirin, Brufen, Voltaren and other anti-inflammatory medications for 1 week before your treatment. Avoid Omega 3 fatty acids and Arnica as they also thin the blood and increase your risk of bruising. Panado is fine to use.
- Please notify me if you are using prescription or non-prescription blood thinners so extra precaution can be taken to avoid bruising. • Come in 15 minutes early if you would like topical anaesthetic cream to be applied.
- If this is your first time receiving Skin Booster Injections a “before” photo will be taken for your patient file. This photo is confidential and will not be shared without your consent.
- Please remove foundation before your appointment if possible.
- After the procedure you can use an ice pack at home to lessen any redness and swelling. If necessary apply ice to the treated area for 2-3 hours post injections.
- You may put makeup on immediately and resume with normal day to day activities, although you may be a little red and swollen for a day or two.
- Drink plenty of water the day of your injections.
- After Skin Booster injections temporary swelling can occur which may last 3-5 days.
- Mild bruising is common and may take up to 10 days to resolve. For this you can apply Arnica, Traumeel or Voltaren gel.
- Mild tenderness to the injected area can occur once the anaesthetic has worn off. Two Panado can be taken if necessary.
- Very occasionally after Skin Booster injections, painless lumps may form which resolve with time. Gentle massaging of the area will improve the result.
- Mottling / blanching of the skin can occur in very rare circumstances (1 in 10 000 cases). This may be accompanied by pain in the injected site. Should you notice these changes please phone immediately.