Sculptra is an injectable treatment, known as a Collagen Biostimulator. It works with your body to stimulate collagen production lost to ageing. It contains Poly-L-Lactic Acid, a synthetic polymer that has been used in the human body since 1960 and as a medical grade suture since 1970. Sculptra is a powder which is reconstituted to a liquid formulation and commonly injected via cannula technique to the treatment area.
Through a series of treatments, Sculptra restores, rebuilds and reinforces your skin’s structural foundation, providing results that can last up to 2 years. It is commonly used for lower face skin laxity and is used in both men and women.
A single Sculptra injection session can provide a great result, however the best result will occur with 2-3 sessions 6 weeks – 2 months apart, followed by annual top up sessions. Your injector will decide based on your skin laxity how many sessions you will require.
Treatment areas:
- Temples | Lower and Lateral face