
Gynaecomastia is the overgrowth of male breast tissue. It is a common condition that affects mostly teenage boys and older men. Most men find the condition embarrassing and are reluctant to talk about it. The symptoms vary from a small firm & tender lump beneath or round the nipple in teenage boys (stonies) to larger , more female looking breasts in older men. It can affect one or both breasts. True gynaecomastia , caused by an overgrowth of breast tissue , is different from pseudo-gynaecomastia which is mainly fatty tissue. It may be a mixture of both types.

What causes Gynaecomastia?


Puberty in boys usually starts once they reach their teenage years. At this time hormone levels change and as well as the other changes associated with puberty, boys may notice that their breast are tender to touch and/or are growing. Up to two out of three teenage boys develop some degree of gynaecomastia with 90% of these resolving by themselves by age 19 years.


As we age we tend to have more body fat which produces more oestrogen. As men age they produce less testosterone. The combination of an increase in oestrogen and reduced testosterone levels has an effect on breast tissue , causing the breasts to enlarge.
The increase in body fat in later life may be particularly noticeable in the breast area – this is known as pseudo-gynaecomastia.

Drugs and Medication

Some drugs – both prescription and recreational – can cause gynaecomastia. They may either contain oestrogen or have an oestrogen-like effect (marijuana). Anabolic steroids (body builders!) can also cause gynaecomastia.


The more fat cells a person has in their body , the more oestrogen they produce…….this can make breast tissue grow!


Alcohol taken in large doses stimulates the liver and can cause a hormone imbalance and testosterone levels reduce but oestrogen levels rise …..this means that breast tissue can grow.

Sometimes one is not able to find out why a man develops breasts however the treatment options remain the same.

Treatment Options

In most cases treatment is not necessary and the condition resolves on its own. For some men, removing the cause ( changing medication ) is all that is required. Very seldom you may need medication to treat the cause of gynaecomastia.

LIPOSUCTION is often used to correct pseudo-gynaecomastia.

Combination of liposuction and surgery may be necessary for larger cases of true gynaecomastia.

Dr Kelly will discuss the different treatment options available with you.

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